The Blessing Board

Rich Garland

Rich Garland

Executive Director

Gunther Hehn

Cheif Financial Officer

Ted Martin


Amy Hehn

Amy Hehn

Director of Programs

Ron Wiederstein

Ron Wiederstein

Director of Operations

We love working with enthusiastic and caring people, who want to give back.

Lois Walz

Lois Walz

Executive Assistant

Eve-lyn Laboon

Eve-lyn Laboon

Finance Administrator

Emma McCann

Volunteer Coordinator

Emily Garland

Donations Coordinator

Liz Oroke

Liz Ororke

Appointment Coordinator

Karen Fischetti

Vintage Market Co-Manager

Lucy Lefcakis

Lucy Lefcakis

Vintage Market Co-Manager

Bob Myers

Warehouse Manager

Richard Bender | Warehouse Staff

Richard Bender

Warehouse Staff

Adam Dimeo

Warehouse Staff

Avontae Bowden

Warehouse Staff

Grant Marts

Warehouse Staff

Dalton Berkebile

Driver Assistant

Kevin Organ
